Case Study

Fibre & smart


  • Create a controlled and well managed team to sell Fibre to the home and Smart Broadband direct to consumers.
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Our Smart Solution

  • Identify key areas to target sales, and together with the client create specified sales fundamentals and smart campaign activities to direct activation team using SMART
  • Manage the recruitment and extensive training of teams, comprising – sales agents, supervisors, and field managers
  • Use SMART to electronically capture leads, interactions, submissions and time and attendance
  • Capture and forward leads generated from SMART to clients in real-time

The Result

[based on KEY client metrics]

  • 3,158 consumer interactions
  • 1,869 sales orders
  • 677 leads
  • 781 connected homes YTD
  • 150% increase in performance through a SMART-enabled field force

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